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How to Choose Your First Writing Course

Some students feel unprepared for the rigors of a first-year writing class because they may have not written much in high school or they have never felt like a “good” writer. The University Writing Program offers ENG 1001, a writing skills and critical thinking course, for students who want extra preparation to meet the demands of college writing that they will face in ENC 1101.

To decide which of these courses is best for you, review the following checklists and make your decision based upon the class you are most prepared to take:


ENC 1101: Writing Academic Arguments

In ENC 1101, a 6,000-word General Education Composition Credit class, you will write a total of 20 pages. Upon entering the class, you will be expected to be able to write logical theses, coherent paragraphs, and use grammar and punctuation effectively. You will be asked to read articles and book chapters of varying lengths, and you will be expected to do much of the composing on your own.

I am prepared to take ENC 1101 because:

  • I wrote a lot in high school and understand the basic principles of rhetoric.
  • I can use sources in my essays to support my arguments.
  • I can write short, well-organized essays.
  • I am confident in my ability to write logical theses and coherent paragraphs.
  • I am confident in the rules of grammar and punctuation—commas, apostrophes, etc.
  • I feel confident in my written and spoken English.

>>Continue to ENC 1101 page.


ENG 1001: Modes of Inquiry

In ENG 1001, a 2,000 word non-General Education Composition Credit class, you will write a total of 7 pages. In this class, you will be taught how to write logical theses, to compose coherent paragraphs, and to use grammar and punctuation effectively in short, well-organized essays. You will be asked to read short articles, and you will work closely with your instructor for the entire semester.

I am prepared to take ENG 1001 because:

  • I am not comfortable rhetorically analyzing essays.
  • I am not confident using sources to support my arguments in essays.
  • I struggle writing theses, paragraphs, or longer essays.
  • I am not confident about the rules of grammar—commas, apostrophes, etc.
  • I would like one-on-one guidance with an instructor.
  • I would like to have more practice in written and spoken English.

>>Continue to ENG 1001 page.


Still Unsure?

If you still do not know which course to take, talk to your academic advisor or contact Dr. Alison Reynolds or Dr. Creed Greer in the University Writing Program (352) 846-1138 to help you make the decision.