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Writing in the Age of AI


Oct. 25, 2024

For this year’s conference, we would like to focus on teaching in the age of AI: teaching AI, teaching with AI, teaching for AI, teaching against AI, and teaching despite AI. We are looking for both forests and trees, approaches and assignments. We are as interested in your philosophies as your lessons. There are no litmus or ideology tests.

We invite proposals that address AI and teaching thoughtfully, dynamically, and compellingly. To these ends, we are interested in topics that not only span but also go beyond this list of possibilities: pedagogy, policy, plagiarism, process, philosophy, pragmatism, protection, and promotion.

We envision a lively, interactive conference experience full of papers, talks, workshops, presentations, and roundtable discussions. Submissions from graduate students and faculty of all ranks are welcome.


Contact email: Zea Miller at

Pedagogy, Practice, and Philosophy 2025


Feb. 8 – 9, 2025

In this annual conference, participants are asked to reflect upon the study, practice, and philosophy of teaching writing in universities and to reconsider current educational trends about learning, engagement, comprehension, and skills-development.  This year, we will examine “Writing at the Center” or how we center writing in our classrooms, pedagogy, and institutions for our students. In our classrooms, we must work to help students center writing in their own professional and academic lives, which can be a challenging yet worthwhile endeavor, especially with the advent of new technology. This two-day conference is designed as a practicum for writing instructors to exchange ideas and learn from one another in a collaborative spirit. We particularly encourage graduate students to apply, as well as writing center personnel, Postdocs, and junior faculty.


Contact email: Angela Brown at