Assistant Instructional Professor
Contact Information
Email: jcoenen
Office: 2215 Turlington Hall
Phone: 352-846-1138
- PhD, University of Florida, 2011
- MA, University of Florida, 2005
- BA, Missouri State University, 2000
Courses Taught
- ENC 1101: Expository and Argumentative Writing
- ENC 1102: Argument and Persuasion
- ENC 2305: There’s No Place (Like Home)
- ENC 2305: Finding Lost Stories
- ENC 2305: Text, Technology, and Textiles
- ENC 3246: Professional Communication for Engineers
- ENC 3252: Strategic Communication
- ENC 3254: Writing in the Disciplines
- ENC 3254: Travel Writing
- ENC 3453 Writing in the Health Professions
- ENC 3459 Writing in the Medical Sciences
- ENC 3466: Writing in the Communication Sciences
- ENG 1001: Modes of Inquiry
- IDS 2935: Place-making, Self-making (Quest 1)
- IDS 2935: Finding Lost Stories (Quest 1)
Research Interests
Online teaching and learning; first-year composition; language and identity; connections among composition, technology, and the textile arts; neurodiversity in learning
Pedagogical Interests
Language and identity, online teaching and learning, first-year composition
Best Writing Advice
Let go of fears and anxieties about writing when you’re starting and drafting. It’s not final until you hit submit.