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Jessica-Jean Stonecipher, PhD

Associate Instructional Professor

Contact Information

Email: jcasler
Office: 2215 Turlington Hall

Courses Taught

  • ENC 2305: Medical Narratives
  • ENC 3254: Writing in Anthropology
  • ENC 3253: Writing in the Health Professions
  • ENC 3459: Writing in the Medical Sciences
  • ENC 3466: Writing in the Communication Sciences
  • ENC 3264: Writing in the Social Sciences

Pedagogical Interests

Critical thinking through writing, ethnographic research and writing, active learning, writing workshops, teaching through conversation, professional development, collaborative writing

Research Interests

Short-term medical missions, healthcare access, palliative care, health equity, gender, race and racism, Nicaragua

Personal Interests

Family, Florida springs, the Texas Two-Step, complicated recipes, shared meals

Best Writing Advice

Always get feedback. You don’t always have to agree with it, but you should always seek out and mull over feedback.