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Spring 2025: New Themes Announced for Analytical Writing and Thinking!

ENC 2305, Analytical Writing and Thinking, is designed to advance students’ critical thinking and writing skills beyond first-year composition. To achieve those goals, students will learn advanced analytical techniques and communication strategies that professors in all disciplines expect them to know.

The texts and assignments in the course will expose students to challenging ideas. The subject matter of the course will be developed in accordance with the instructors’ own studies, with wide-ranging themes in areas such as Languages, Political Science, Anthropology, or Biology. By examining humanistic or scientific theories or principles, students will learn how to read deeply and think critically. As such, the students will be introduced to seminal ideas in specific disciplines and will be asked to engage in in debates important to our time and our culture.

Find these sections in the UF Schedule of Courses:

  • War in Literature and Film (Section 11922)
  • Bad Guys Cinema (Section 21859)
  • Gamification (Section 19477)
  • Creative Non-Fiction (Section 25833)
  • Medicine and Storytelling (Section 11905)
  • Truth and Understanding (Section 11895)
  • Text and Textiles (Section 22383)

What students say about this course:

“I hoped for a class that would expand my mind in areas I had not considered before and teach me techniques to become a better writer. My expectations were blown away. I have been forced to consider ideas and topics that have never been topics of thought for me. The focus of this class, illicit behavior, is something that people are so often taught to accept and not question. I used to be one of those people. Now, I can proudly say I question everything” (UF ENC2305 Student).”

“Coming in to this class, I hoped to improve as a writer. However, what I learned in this class went far beyond that. This class taught me a lot about writing–things I am good at and things I need to improve on. It taught me to front load sentences, make topic sentences clear, limit modifiers, have better organization in my papers, and write effective introductions. I also learned so much about critical thinking. For example, the critical definition paper helped me to think abstractly and show me that things can be looked at from many different viewpoints and angles” (UF ENC2305 Student).