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Send a Student to Us

Can I refer a student to the UWS?

We hope that you encourage all students to visit the UWS!

You may refer a student to the UWS for writing assistance by completing the Writing Assistance Referral Form below. If you do require students to seek writing support, please encourage them to consider us a writing resource rather than a remedial lab. Students who feel as though they’re being sent to the UWS because they’re "bad" writers who need to "fix" their problems often come to us unwillingly and thus make our goals—to help students become more effective, confident writers—difficult to achieve.


Writing Assistance Referral Form

If you have a student with whom you'd like one of our instructors to work, please fill out and submit the form below. In the "Reason for Referral" box, please indicate what kind of feedback you would like from us (a report at the end of the term, biweekly, etc.), and we'll be in touch with you shortly.

  • Instructor's Contact Information

  • Student Information

  • Reason For Referral

    Is the student required to come to the UWC? How many visits are required, and over what time frame? (one per week for the rest of the term, or until the mid-term, etc.) What area(s) of writing would you like us to focus on with this student?