To make an appointment, go to our scheduling page at Log on with your Gatorlink and password, and follow instructions. You’ll receive an autoreply confirming your appointment, and the day of the appointment you will receive an email with a Zoom link or confirmation for your session. Clicking on that link will get you into a waiting room, and your tutor will be with you at the scheduled time.
How Can You Schedule an Appointment?
If you are near Turlington and want to stop by and see if a tutor is available, please do so. But especially at busy times during the semester, the only way to guarantee that you’ll get to see a tutor is to check our online schedule and make an appointment. The busier we are, the less likely you will be able to see a tutor as a walk-in.
You can make a maximum of 1 appointment per day and 2 per week, and there is no charge to see one of our tutors. If you need to cancel an appointment, we ask that you do so as far in advance as you can — at least 2 hours before the appointment if possible – so that your time slot will be made available for other students. Students who miss 2 appointments or cancel 4 times will not be able to make any more appointments for the rest of the semester.
REMEMBER: you need to bring a paper copy of any document with which you’d like help!
Click here in Firefox or Internet Explorer to log on with your gatorlink username and UFID, and choose from among the available appointment times. If you need to speak with us, our office phone is (352) 846-1138.