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Write Your Future: Prepare for a Rewarding Career

Learning to write well helps you to become a more effective professional, which will ultimately advance your career. The National Commission on Writing says effective writing skills are essential for both the workplace and personal growth. In the UWP, virtually all of our courses help prepare you for graduate school or a profession. 

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Notable Career-Readiness Courses

ENC3246: Professional Communication for Engineers

  • Designed to help students master a variety of communication strategies and genres of writing relevant to engineering. Composing email, memos, letters, technical descriptions, instructions, academic research reports, and professional proposals, students respond to complex rhetorical situations, thus preparing for work in their professional communities.


ENC3252: Writing for Strategic Communication

  • Designed to help students learn how to write, revise, and edit effectively for the professional writing community they will join. By the end of class, students will have begun a portfolio of writing to showcase their evolving topical interests and writing style.

ENC3254: Professional Writing for Artificial Intelligence

  • As developments in AI unfold, new programs, platforms, and services will influence if not reshape entire sectors of the economy. Along the way, AI-driven solutions will be prepared, packaged, and promoted with professional writing. Therefore, students pursuing courses and professions in AI should develop skills in proposals, presentations, and visual rhetoric. To these ends, this course will prepare students to thrive in their AI-related research activities and eventual careers.


ENC3254: Writing in the Environmental Sciences

  • Designed to help students master three genres of writing (the review paper, the policy brief, and the Op-Ed) that target those three audiences; additionally, students will write applicational material and give an oral conference presentation to help prepare you for the professional world you’ll enter post-graduation.


ENC3453: Writing in the Health Professions

  • Designed to help students master communication strategies and genres of writing relevant to the health professions. Students learn to compose clear messages to professionals, patients, and the public, preparing them for upper-division courses and building a foundation for work in their professional communities.

ENC3459: Writing in Medical Sciences

  • Students will practice communication in the medical profession. Students learn to do research using medical databases and other research tools, while discovering how best to organize and present their findings to medical professionals and patients. Students will also participate in a variety of speaking assignments in class, ranging from impromptu to prepared presentations, developing techniques for improving public speaking, interviewing and listening skills, and patient-doctor communication. Collaborative writing and presenting is also required so students practice working in teams, typical of medical practice.


ENC3465: Writing in the Law

  • Designed to help students master communication strategies and genres of writing relevant to law, with special emphasis on legal reasoning and logic. Students write legal briefs, a legal memorandum, business correspondence, and law school applications and are introduced to legal research and moot court debate.